Pickleball In Jacksonville and Clearwater

Does This Sound Like You?

-Your foot always aches after playing multiple games in rec play or tournaments

-That annoying knee pain keeps acting up with side-to-side movements in the kitchen and is limiting your ability to be as mobile as you’d like

-You’re tired of popping ibuprofen and Advil before because that seems like the only option you seem to have to be able to play

-Your low back always feels stiff and tired after multiple hours of play because you can’t keep a bent athletic position when dinking in the kitchen

-These nagging aches keep occurring and coming back even though you try to “rest and ice” and you’re just at a point where you’re frustrated with spinning in circles

-You’re tired of other healthcare providers telling you to “stop playing pickleball” because you love the sport and you’re beginning to wonder if this is something you’re just going to have to “live with” for the rest of your life

There. Is. Hope. We can help.

Here at MOTION RX our performance physical therapists specialize in Pickleball related injuries and are experts at getting pickleball athletes back to playing on the court pain-free. Our performance physical therapists are also pickleball athletes themselves so we GET IT.

Common issues we treat in pickleball athletes include the following

  • Shoulder Pain
  • Elbow Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • IT Band Pain
  • Plantar fascitis Pain
  • Ankle/Foot Pain

We provide 1 on 1 sessions with your sports physical therapist specializing in pickleball for full 60minute appointments to make sure we are able to provide the best quality care to help get you back to working out pain-free

If you want an exact roadmap and plan to get back to playing pickleball again without any pain, stiffness, or limitations, contact us today to see how we can help!

The time is now.

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Kristi D

“Dr. Kate was lovely to work with. She’s smart, attentive, detail oriented, and truly seems to care about the well-being of her patients. She has that sixth-sense ability to pinpoint the overall issue(s); and isn’t afraid to encourage continued movement throughout the recovery process.

Her smile lights up any room; and the rest of the MotionRX team is a joy to be around as well! It is a wonderful environment. Thank you, for everything. :)” 

Michael I

“I had been in pain for years with my lower back.  Dr. Kate got me back on the go in just a few months.  MotionRX has been life changing and I highly recommend them!!!”

