Now Offering Fitness/Weight Loss Transformation




Everyone has known someone with or has experienced back pain at some point in their life. Back pain can be debilitating and is especially prevalent among individuals who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. While various remedies float around social media for restoring back pain, one of the most effective and often overlooked solutions to low back pain is deadlifting. This is a functional movement that often gets neglected due to fear avoidance in individuals, with or without back pain, and can be a key exercise in strength training to alleviate back pain. 

The deadlift is an exercise that involves picking an object up off the floor to waist height and setting it back down. This can include various equipment such as a kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell, or simply a heavy box. Deadlifting targets key muscle groups that are essential for maintaining a robust back such as your lower back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings. These muscles are responsible for supporting the back and play a key role in posture during functional movements. By performing an exercise, such as the deadlift, you can increase the strength of these primary muscles and improve blood flow to the tissues thus decreasing the current levels of back pain. 

Like most movements at the gym, it is important to have a good structure and baseline for proper technique. A couple key elements in good deadlifting form is starting with feet shoulder-width apart, barbell positioned over midfoot, full grip on the bar and spine in a neutral position. As you lift the weight up, your hips and knees should rise at the same rate to keep the load of the barbell evenly distributed. Bar path will be a straight line when observing from the side due to the bar being close to your body throughout the entire movement. The descent should look identical to the initial pull. Proper form ensures maximum efficiency and unnecessary loading of a certain joint. Below is a video of a proper deadlift performed by a Doctor of Physical therapy at MotionRX.

For individuals new to deadlifting or experiencing back pain, it is recommended to begin the movement with a lightweight in order to focus on form and progressive loading of the back musculature. When an individual lifts an item that is too heavy or more than their back can tolerate, that is when pain or injury can arise in that area. By beginning with a lighter weight, someone with back pain can work on restoring range of motion, improving muscle strength, and becoming more comfortable with this functional movement. As you become stronger, more robust, and confident, you will be able to gradually increase your weight! 

If you find that you are experiencing back pain and are struggling with the deadlift, it is time to consult a Doctor of Physical therapy at MotionRX to review your movement patterns and provide you with a tailored home exercise program that fits your specific needs. Want to learn more about the deadlift and how to start your journey towards a strong, robust back? Click here to schedule your initial evaluation so you can live pain-free!

